Mediation can save a home from foreclosure, yet many homeowners enter the foreclosure process with their mortgage lender without an understanding of the type of relief that may be available to them. CCBC is there to help you navigate the Foreclosure Mediation Program, and the service is FREE.
CALL (844) 458-1857
Online 24 / 7 availability
To Qualify for the Foreclosure Mediation Program:
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling acts as an advocate, providing valuable assistance in helping you explore all options as you work through the NJ Foreclosure Mediation Program. Your CCBC counselor will create an action plan and help you complete the necessary paperwork to try to save your home. We provide foreclosure help
To Qualify for the Foreclosure Mediation Program:
- You must be the borrower and your mortgage loan must be in foreclosure. All mortgage loan borrowers for the property must be willing to participate in mediation.
- Mediation must be requested within 60 days after service of the foreclosure summons and complaint unless a court order is entered directing the parties to mediation.
- You must be an owner-occupant of a one- to three-family residential property.
- The property must be your primary residence.
- The homeowner will not qualify if they are in bankruptcy.

How can Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling help you?
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling acts as an advocate and can help guide homeowners through New Jersey’s existing court mediation program by creating an action plan to help to try and save your home. They can also determine if the homeowner requires further assistance and can provide other services, such as negotiating with the lender or providing post-mediation counseling and/or transition assistance.
Research has shown that homeowners who participated in counseling:
- were nearly three times as likely to receive a loan modification;
- 70 percent more likely to remain current on their mortgage after receiving the loan modification;
CALL (844) 458-1857 for more information

Don’t Delay call (844) 458-1857
You must apply for foreclosure mediation within 60 days of receipt of the Summons and Complaint. After 60 days, you may not participate in foreclosure mediation unless you file a motion showing exceptional circumstances exist and the court allows you into mediation. If your home is scheduled for a sheriff’s sale, you will need to file a motion asking the court to stay the sheriff’s sale.
All Counties in NJ are Eligible
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling is authorized in all New Jersey Counties to provide this essential and FREE service.
Housing Counseling is REQUIRED
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling will satisfy your Mediation Application requirement that you be assisted by an approved housing counselor.
Know your OPTIONS
Consumer Credit and Budget Counseling will ensure that you know what options you have, and which Home Retention options are available to you.
Retain your RIGHTS under the law
Don’t let the Mediation option pass. It is the only way you can get the court involved in the process of Modification. The court appointed mediator will ensure that your lender/servicer is properly reviewing your application.
11270 Borrower Instructions (pdf)
11270 Cómo Solicitar la Mediación en una Ejecución Hipotecaria (pdf)
11655 Loan Modification Checklist (pdf)
11655 Lista de Verificación para la Mediación en una Ejecución Hipotecaria (pdf)
11277 Sheriff Stay (pdf)
11277 Instrucciones para la suspensión de la venta judicial y la solicitud de mediación (pdf)